
1 2 SEE ME!!! What do you see, nurses, what do you see? Are you thinking, when you look at me — A crabby old woman, not very wise, Uncertain of habit, with far-away eyes, Who dribbles her food and ...

Where am I going?

3 (1)

Where am I going? My journey is long; And the pain is raw, Scattered with twigs and sharp stones; Is there a way for me not to be sore; Will I get to reach my destination? Or will the darkness consum...

Migrants being sold as slaves in Libya


Libya/ Africa The realities of life is we worry too much about what other people say or do especially the ones that will feel are more privileged than us. We look at them with envy and we are so con...



PALLIATIVE CARE For a couple of years, I cared for many people with terminal illnesses and provided palliative care. People always asked me ‘do you not find it hard looking after people that are dying...